Christianity and Hypnosis



The discussions and text below appeared on the websites sourced below and is excerpted and quoted in its original text below under a Creative Commons license and the fair use doctrine in Section 107 of U.S. Code Title 17.


Comment 1:

I’ve been a hypnotist for over eighteen years now, and I am considered an expert in the field.

Most of my private clients come from referrals from physicians, psychologist, social works, and even priests.

Hypnosis is not dangerous in and of itself. Hypnosis is benign.

Hypnosis is simply a tool… much like a hammer. You can use a hammer to build or to destroy.

The morality and ethics come from the user, not the tool.

In fact, YOU (every human being) experiences hypnosis an average of four times every hour. It’s a natural, everyday state.

The author of the quote you posted from the Catholic Encyclopedia was simply ignorant.

I don’t mean this in the derogatory sense. I simply mean that the author did not have the appropriate knowledge or the proper research a the time of his writing.

The Catholic Encyclopedia was published in 1910 and written years before that.

The understanding of hypnosis has evolved drastically since then.

If you really think about it, flying through the air most likely would have been written of as being dangerous and the work of “some power”.

Now flying is commonplace, and thousands of people do it on a daily basis.

I’m not arguing religion.

I’m arguing that you have misinformation. You should research further.

Keep in mind as you research that you can find references to back up any belief that you have when searching on the Internet.

Go at it with an unbiased mindset, and then make an educated decision.

The reason that people become scared as they “study the mind” is their lack of solid ethics and morality. When they think about it, they’re fearful of what they may do if they learned the skill.

Do research, study the information (unbiased), and make a decision for yourself.

You’re not going to hurt my feelings either way.

Again, my offer for any questions still stands…

I also extend the invitation to learn more about hypnosis for yourself. Currently, I’m offer my initial hypnosis training for free as an online course.

You’ll discover that hypnosis is simply the process of mastering communication.

You can enroll in the course at my Web site.

Again, stay unbiased, and don’t let the terms turn you away; because a name is a name… look deeper.

Thanks for your time you put into reading this.

Bill Gladwell


Comment 2

I have been a Catholic hypnotist for more than ten years.

It is legitimate as a therapeutic tool and has been endorsed by three Popes.

There are basically two parts to hypnosis: the trance and the suggestion.

Trance is merely focus and concentration. If you have ever been driving on a highway and missed your exit, you were in a trance state. You were focused and concentrating on something else (rather on your driving) and you drove past the exit.

Suggestion can be almost anything. The easiest is relaxation … for example, you can do progressive relaxation … start by visualizing a beautiful golden light above your head and have it descend through your body … and every muscle it touches relaxes … and every organ operates normally. And all the stress flows down through your body and out through your feet.

With some work, you can improve study habits and recall of information, etc. It is a little tricky because you may recall things that you would prefer to remain in the “long term storage” part of the mind. But you can then do a visualization exercise … to put those things away … on a train … or on a ship … and send them away where they are “out there” someplace … still part of your personal experience … but not up close anymore.

So, hypnosis is a valuable and powerful therapeutic tool … not to be used for entertainment or amusement as in stage hypnosis.

Usually it is best to work with a hypnotist … it’s just that having someone guide you or coach you works best. Sometimes, if you’re working alone and there is a distraction … a phone rings or a car makes noise outside, you might lose your concentration. But an experienced hypnotist or hypnotherapist certified by one of several organizations, such as the National Guild of Hypnotists or the National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (and there are other professional certification groups as well) … would have the training and experience to make the experience productive and valuable.

Some hypnotists and hypnotherapists have specialized training to work with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder using either EMDR or EMI or some other variant of eye movement. 1 1


Article:  Christianity and Hypnobabies? Yes!

Q) I am seriously considering using Hypnobabies for my baby’s birth. I am determined to have a natural water birth & have been fascinated with your program and how wonderful it seems. I am a little uneasy with the thought of being in an altered state. As a Christian, I am not sure if there would be any aspect of being altered that would be a conflict with my beliefs. I just have a slight uneasy feeling about my mind being hypnotized. It’s possible that I don’t understand hypnosis completely. Thank you.   A) This is actually quite an intelligent question, and it does come up from time to time here at Hypnobabies! It is important to remember that hypnosis is a state of mind that we are all already in many times a day, so it’s a very natural thing in our lives and is not an “altered state”.

We are all automatically in hypnosis when driving, swimming, doing other sports, sitting in church or a lecture, reading, watching television or movies or on the computer (a screen of any kind) and when waking up or going to sleep. In Hypnobabies we are simply guiding that process in a very positive way to create an easy, fear-free comfortable childbirth experience. Since our program is designed for women of every faith and belief system to use, it contains no “new-age” or other content that would offend anyone. Many of our Hypnobabies moms are Christian and have had wonderful success with Hypnobabies while incorporating their beliefs into our hypnosis scripts and practice as well as adding prayer into the actual hypnosis when giving birth. We have come to realize that that women know what they need and will find it in Hypnobabies, adapting it perfectly and serenely to their own religious or non-religious belief systems. They always do.   Below are two articles written by Christian hypnotherapists, for you to consider on your hypno-journey, and below them are comments and birth stories from Christian Moms who have used Hypnobabies and had wonderful births. More from Christian Moms here.   Christianity and Hypnosis by Janet Field, CHt, HCHI A significant percentage of my Hypnobabies students are Christian – as am I!  The way many of my Christian students choose to use hypnosis is to add to the more general birth-related suggestions given in class by using the scripture verses which mean the most to them and are deeply encouraging for them.  During pregnancy and birth both partners find this extremely comforting and a very valuable assistance to a peaceful birth.

Because of the nature of hypnosis, women are in a deeply relaxed state when their partners read the scriptures to them.  In this relaxed state, the subconscious mind imprints those words of scripture deeply and directly and responds to and acts on the encouragement – even in the face of possibly difficult circumstances.  For my Christian students, prayer usually becomes an integral part of the birth process, just as prayer is an integral part of their lives.  The only difference is that, with the relaxation of hypnosis, prayers are taken in much, much more deeply and the heart responds to them that much more deeply.

Occasionally someone has expressed concern to me that hypnosis would leave them open to “evil” forces.  Let me assure you – when you are using hypnosis, you are the one in control.  You are simply relaxed.  I say “when you are using hypnosis” because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  Nobody does it “to you”.  You are always in full control of your own thoughts and actions.  In fact, I let people know at the beginning of a hypnosis/relaxation session that, at any time, they can bring themselves back to their full awareness – much the way you would open your eyes and discontinue a prayer or meditation if you needed your attention on a suddenly pressing matter at hand. Dr. Larry Nims, a PhD psychologist with over 30 years’ clinical experience, works with clients using hypnosis.

Dr. Nims’ works and articles about forgiveness are for a general audience, yet one can see the Lord’s hand in Dr. Nims’ work.   Following is a paragraph from Dr. Nims.  Through his words, I find one very positive description of the way some Christians use hypnosis for themselves.

“At the end of each hypnosis counseling session with all of my Christian clients, I ask them to say a prayer.  The prayer focuses on the negative attitudes and actions that were involved in each of the problems that were treated in the session, and it invites the Lord to occupy these places and be the Lord of them.  I always encourage Christians to use this prayer every time they use hypnosis on their own or in my office.”

Before and during my own work with students and clients, I like to stop and call on God in prayer, asking that I be used as an instrument of His healing love.  A simple search of the web will provide an abundance of additional information on Christianity and hypnosis.


The Rev. Dr. Prentice Kinser III, B.A., M.B.A., M.Div., D.Min., CPC, NBCCH, is Executive Director and Pastoral Counselor for the Blue Ridge Pastoral Counseling Centers, Inc. (BRPCC), is an ordained minister (Episcopal priest), has received a Doctor of Ministry degree in pastoral counseling and psychotherapy, is certified as a Pastoral Counselor and Fellow of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, is an Adjunct Faculty member at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, and is a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Certified Trainer of Clinical Hypnotherapy, a husband, a father of three children, and a grandfather of three grandchildren.

Dr. Kinser leads Vestry retreats, spiritual growth classes, stop smoking, weight loss, and performance enhancement programs. All of these positive benefits can be used to greatly enhance spiritual practices, deepen meditation and prayer, control stress, assist in physical, spiritual and emotional healing, and, in general, assist individuals to find greater wholeness and happiness in life.

“Hypnosis and Pastoral Hypnotherapy” is a portion of Dr. Prentice Kinser, III’s doctoral thesis presented in June, 1997 at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.  Many psychological and physical factors, acting reciprocally through the image-producing faculties of the mind induce the perceptual response called hypnosis.   The capacity to enter into hypnosis is as natural a phenomenon as sleep, but it is distinctly different from sleep.  Hypnosis has been described as “a state of consciousness involving an extension of concentration combined with a susceptibility to suggestion occurring during physiological relaxation.”(1)  Another definition I find useful is: “Hypnosis is a process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility and increased awareness, allowing access to the subconscious mind, through the imagination.  It also produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real.”(2)   My own approach to hypnosis, pastoral hypnotherapy, and treatment comes out of my training and experience in using the therapeutic insights and writings of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (19011980).  From that perspective, hypnosis can be seen as an altered psychological state “generally characterized by certain physiological attributes (e.g., relaxed muscle tone, reduced blood pressure, slowed breath rate), by an enhanced receptivity to suggestion, and by an increased access to unconscious feelings, ideas, and memories (Erickson, 1989).”(3)

It is important to remember that hypnosis does not have to involve the stereotypic rituals of swinging pendulums, watches or crystal balls, or that it is a fixed internal state.  “Clinical” hypnosis and “pastoral” hypnotherapy do imply a clinical or pastoral setting, with the focus more on the process of communication and therapeutic outcome, rather than on the hypnotic state involved. Clearly, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, i.e., it is different from normal waking consciousness. However, it is believed that all people go in and out of hypnosis on a regular basis.

Many people have experienced a type of hypnotic state while driving a car and become unconscious of the fact that they are still driving.   As they come out of the hypnotic state, they suddenly realize they do not remember what has happened for the past several minutes.   It is as though an unconscious part of the mind was able to drive the car, avoid danger, speed up and slow down as necessary, while the conscious mind went off on a brief vacation thinking about something else.  A hypnotic state may be experienced in the movies or while watching TV when people become so involved that they actually cry about a picture that has been projected onto a screen.   At one level of their minds they know the picture is fiction.   On another level, their minds move voluntarily into the imagination in which there is a suspension of reality testing and an acceptance of what is happening on the screen as real.

Likewise, when people experience hypnosis, they often simply allow their bodies to relax and their minds to focus attention on the words they hear, and the various images they may represent in their minds.   As Erickson observed, this is not hypersuggestible mind control but a very natural process that allows clients to more easily reach goals or objectives they have chosen for themselves.   With proper motivation, the client moves naturally and easily into a comfortable hypnotic state.  This is a safe process in the hands of a trained Hypnotherapist.

In summary, hypnosis, when utilized by trained and competent practitioners, can be a natural, comfortable and helpful process of communication, during which clients and/or parishioners may experience increased attention to suggestions, profound concentration, heightened recall of memories and access to state-dependent memories, greater image-producing abilities, and increased ability to form new habit patterns.


1. David Fox, “Mind/Body, Brain/Soul: Halakhic Explorations of Hypnotic Trance Phenomena,” Journal of Psychology and Judaism, Vol. 16, No.2 (Summer 1992), p. 97. 2. A.M. Krasner, The Wizard Within (Santa Ana: American Board of Hypnotherapy Press, 1991), p.2. 3. John H. Edgette, Psy.D., and Janet Sasson Edgette, Psy. D., The Handbook of Hypnotic Phenomena in Psychotherapy (New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1995), pp. 3-4. 4. Edgette and Edgette, p. 4, quoting J.K. Zeig “Therapeutic patterns of Ericksonian influence on communication” in J. K. Zeig (Ed) The Evolution of Psychotherapy (New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc, 1987) pp. 392-412).

Comments from some of our Christian Hypno-Moms about their experiences with Hypnoabies:

Sarah C: As a Christian, I believe that Christ suffered in Gethsemane so we wouldn’t have to feel pain unnecessarily. He gives us a way out. To me Hypnobabies was the method that felt inspired. It embraces the power of our God given bodies and helps eliminate fear (the opposite of faith/hope) through natural means. Charity is proclaimed as the greatest quality which is love in its strongest, purest form. There is so much focus on love for your mind, your body, and your baby that it felt like what Christ would want for mothers.

From Emily F: As a Christian myself, I believe that hypnosis is a wonderful tool given to us by God, that has gotten a bad rap from people who have misrepresented it and/or misunderstood it. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. No one will be exerting mind control over you to get you to do evil things. Some people are concerned that being in hypnosis opens up the subconscious mind to demonic spiritual control or influence. In fact, while in hypnosis you are in complete control of the experience. No one can cause you to act in a way that conflicts with your core beliefs or values. Choosing to enter hypnosis does not remove the covering of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe that as a Christian you are protected from all evil and the devil cannot lay claim to your mind even in a relaxed state. I can say wholeheartedly that my God is much bigger than that!

There may be a few hypnotists and/or hypnotherapists that incorporate occult practices into their scripts but I can guarantee you that this is NOT the case with Hypnobabies and is completely separate from the art and practice of hypnosis. I have listened to (and used!) all of the Hypnobabies scripts myself and they are spiritually neutral. There is no mention of chakras, past life regression, remote viewing, leaving your body or any other similar thing. The founder of Hypnobabies has worked diligently to ensure that Hypnobabies is based on medical hypno-anesthesia techniques without all the extra spiritual froofroo. These are the same techniques patients use to undergo major surgery when they are allergic toanesthesia. If you are still skeptical I encourage you to listen to the Hypnobabies free “Relax Me!” hypnosis track to get a better idea what learning Hypnobabies will be like. You can even choose to listen to it consciously (instead of entering hypnosis) while you are around the house washing dishes or vacuuming or such. Please do not listen to it while driving however!!

From Crystal I: As a Christian, using Hypnobabies was the most natural thing in the world for me. The slowing of brain waves that occurs with deep relaxation and hypnosis is the same state that occurs when we pray. That to me says that there is no conflict between hypnosis and Christianity, because God would not leave me vulnerable when praying, when praying is something I do so often!   Since you are always aware while in hypnosis, only thoughts that you desire will be accepted, you are always in complete control of your mind, just as you are when praying.   While some segments of Christianity feel that pain is still a necessary part of childbirth, others feel that since Christ died for our sins, we are no longer required to experience pain during birth. Since the vast majority of women choose some form of anesthesia, and most churches support them in this, hypnotic anesthesia is no more in conflict with our theology than an epidural.   In short, I can find no theological reason not to use Hypnobabies.

From Brittany C: My reason for using Hypnobabies? After two hospital births with epidurals that didn’t work (and boy do I wish they did!) I used Hypnobabies for my 3rd birth. It worked so well I didn’t know it was my birthing time until my water broke! My son was born in the car! My last Hypno-baby was born at home, painlessly, and joyously. For us, Hypnobabies was successful beyond our wildest dreams.

As a Christian mom, I believe that God built into women to have the power to allow us to have safe, comfortable births.  I feel Hypnobabies is a great way to use the power of God’s wonderful creation of the human brain and body.  I have always loved the account found in Mark 4:36-39 of Christ calming the sea.  I found that this story related wonderfully to Hypnobabies, because the word “waves is” used in Hypnobabies to describe uterine contractions and because the word “peace” is used as a cue for comfort.  I likened the pressure waves to a storm and the “peace” cue to Christ calming the storm of my birthing by saying, “Peace, be still.”

From Sarah C: ALL hypnosis is SELF-hypnosis. It’s not magic (which some Christians believe to be evil). It is simply using our minds to control our bodies, something we do naturally every day. Hypnosis is just an elevated focus on that control and it enables us to shut down our thoughts, release emotions, and completely relax our bodies. As a Hypnobabies graduate and Christian, I can’t think of a better way to welcome a baby into this world.

From Liz S: I’m a Christian and used hypnobabies for the birth of my daughter. My degree is in theology and Biblical studies, there is nothing in the Bible that conflicts with the hypnobabies program. Self-hypnosis isn’t what you see on stage with hypnosis shows. I felt like hypnobabies was more deep relaxation and controlling my mind. No one can tell you what to do or make you do anything. I studied it a lot before I made my decision because I had the same concern.

From Bridget E: The Bible tells us not be afraid and have a spirit of peace. So how much more should we strive for that in childbirth? Some Christian women still think we need to labor under the curse of Eve that birth must be painful, but Christ broke that curse when he died on the cross and delivered us from sin and sickness. Hypnobabies was the perfect tool to help me have the calm, peaceful, fearfree births I believe God wants us to have. Hypnobabies reinforces the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and our bodies were made perfectly to birth our babies. What a great thing to meditate on!

From Jessica L: I am a Christian and had my first two children all natural with hynobabies. I incorporated bible verses into my script and that my husband read to me. I felt it was exactly how God created our baby’s to come into this world. I did not see any conflict.

From Betsy A: I remember reading that disciples meditated all the time, as they were told to do in order to better connect with God…self-hypnosis is meditation at its best. In the bible, Job explains that we should suffer great pains during childbirth, but what he fails to do is define pain…that is where individual interpretation comes into play. There are several meanings of pain, one being the obvious, but another being putting in a great amount of effort…that is the definition I chose. As a Christian, I found my Hypnobabies experience to be in connection with God and my spiritual beliefs. During my hypnotic practices, I always asked God for strength and peace, and to help me use the tools He gave me within my body to give birth peacefully. Hypnobabies can open doors to God, rather than demons as some fear. Even though I was in control, that strength came from God and I suffered great pains (ie, spent many hours and worked very hard) to build that strength. Hypnobabies is a blessing!

From Jenn C: I did not see any conflict. Using Hypnobabies with my second natural birth was an incredible gift that allowed me to focus on my body and my baby, as God had designed. I was perfectly in tune with my baby and was comfortable as I progressed through my birthing time without fear. It was FANTASTIC.

From Jennifer T: I am a Christian as well and I know that my daughter’s birth story was so peaceful, beautiful and spiritual because of Hypnobabies!

Emily’s Joyful Hypnobabies Birth Video:  “The natural birth of my beautiful son. What a blessed moment. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

Baby Jocelyn’s beautiful Hypnobabies Homebirth – Hypno-mom Jamie says: “This was the most comfortable birth I’ve had – dare I say – pain free?!”

Temple: Please watch the video and read the birth story of one of our Hypno-Moms, Temple, singing Psalm 23 during her labor HERE.

Christine: Another wonderful Christian Hypnobabies Mom, Christine shares her birth story, with pictures HERE. She journeyed from thinking: “Why would *anyone* choose natural childbirth?” …to…” I just had a natural pain free birth!”

Ashley used Hypnobabies and Scripture:

I’d like to share the hypnobirth of my second daughter (and first hypnobirth), Sadie. She was born Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 9:29pm at a nearby hospital.

I woke up Saturday at 6am feeling light pressure waves. However, I didn’t think much of them because I was 10 days “overdue” at that point and had been in pre-labor for a couple weeks. I had learned not to get too excited. I got up and went about my everyday routine and noticed, about four hours later, that they were not letting up. They weren’t getting closer together however so I continued to ignore them. About 2 in the afternoon after putting my 3 year old down for a nap, I decided to time them. They were about 5-8 mins. apart and they were getting slightly more intense. I was beginning to get excited and listened to Easy First Stage. I became really relaxed and was fully rested. I then soaked in the tub for a while and thats when I told my husband that I thought I was in labor. I don’t think he really believed me because I looked so calm! I really enjoyed the first stage of labor. I focused on the positive affirmations and scripture that reaffirmed my faith and strength in God.

I am not sure when I entered active labor. All I recall is that about 5pm, I was getting more and more uncomfortable and by six pm I was starting to think, “I think I should go to the hospital soon.” I timed the pressure waves again and was dissapointed when they were still 5-6 mins. apart. (My goal was to leave at 4 min. apart so as not to get to the hospital too early). However, at about 7pm my husband got back from the store and was about to fix supper when I told him, “We need to go to the hospital now!” I felt a lot of pressure in my bottom and new something was going on. The waves were still 5-6 min. apart but I didn’t care. Something inside me said, “GO NOW!” Once we were well on our way to the hospital (20 min. commute). We noticed that the waves were now 2-3 mins. apart and I really had to concentrate through each wave. I almost felt like I was sitting on the baby’s head! But, I breathed through them and visualized all the positive scripture and affirmations that I practiced with Hypnobabies.

Once at the hosptial, the ob checked me and said I was at 7cm! I was so happy because it was what I had visualized. He asked me what I wanted to do for pain and the nurse chimmed in, “Oh, but you are so close!” That gave me the confidence to say no to the epidural. An hour and a half later I felt the urge to push and everyone gathered around and just stood around me. It was totally mother directed pushing and I was not hooked up to the monitors. I pushed for about 20 min and pulled my baby out myself!  I held her close as they cleaned her up and breastfed her right away. She was perfectly healthy and content. I felt so alert and great afterwards and was very happy that I didn’t tear. The doctor and nurses were all very impressed and supportive of my birth. One nurse said, “If everyone labored like this, we would be out of business!” And the doctor kept commenting on how in control and calm I remained through each pressure wave.  We left the hospital under 24 hours. It was an amazing and thrilling experience.

I am so glad I used Hypnobabies! ~ Ashley

The above is from:



Comment 3

I was just discussing Eve’s curse in relationship to Hypnobabies with my husband who is an Ordained Minister with a Doctorate of Divinity. He explained that the translation of the word “pain” in Genesis 3:16 may be interpreted as “sorrow” in Greek and as “emotional tevailing” in Hebrew. So, the Hypnobabies approach fits perfectly because it still requires women to do the emotional and mental work necessary for a positive birth experience, but physical pain is not neccessary. Additionally, Christ took this curse upon himself with his sacrifice, so we can be assured that a comfortable birth is available to us if we choose to accept this gift. I hope this helps.



Article: Christians using Hypnobabies?

May 17, 2009 by enjoybirth

Some Christian moms are hesitant to look into Hypnobabies for fear that hypnosis conflicts with their faith. They may feel that it is too “new age” or they will be disconnected from or unable to control their mind or body.

I would like to address some of these concerns in this post and will include a link at the bottom for another further articles to read. This is a topic that is discussed occasionally on the Hypnobabies Yahoo Group, we have a lot of Christian moms on that group and I have included a lot of their input.

Personally, I am a Christian and personally find no conflict in using hypnosis for childbirth. In fact, I have found that the Hypnobabies program helped me to become in better touch with my reliance upon God and the amazing beauty of how He created me to give birth to my babies. I also felt more connected to my body and birth and in control of myself during Bryson’s birth!

My favorite scripture is “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 I feel that Hypnobabies helped me to have the power of knowledge of normal birth, increase my love for my body and baby and helped me have a more control of my mind in preparing for and birthing Bryson.

Who is in Control?

Let’s clear up some misconceptions about hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In Hypnobabies moms learn to get themselves into that deep relaxed state. In every script they listen to, they are reminded that THEY are in control. They can enter or exit this relaxed state at any time. So they are completely in control.

I never found anything in the program that would undermine any of my Christian beliefs. It actually helped me to love and appreciate myself, and the gift of having a child so much more, because I was focusing my mind on it regularly. Besides, we must CHOOSE to use the tools that allow our bodies to relax easily, it’s not like it’s forced upon us. This same kind of programming happens to us throughout our lives anyway, this is just purposely choosing to make it all positive about childbirth.


Christ said that to, “love thy neighbor as thyself” was the greatest law second to loving God himself. You must have love for yourself in order to do this. The whole program is based in loving, respecting and showing gratitude for yourself and your baby. I see nothing to worry about!

Hypnosis is a Natural State

Here is something that Kerry (creator of Hypnobabies) said, “Hypnosis is something that we all already do many times a day, so it’s a very natural thing in our lives and is not an “altered state”. We are automatically in hypnosis when driving, swimming, doing other sports, sitting in church or a lecture, reading, watching television or movies or on the computer (a screen of any kind) and when waking up or going to sleep. In Hypnobabies we are simply guiding that process in a very positive way to create an easy, fear-free comfortable childbirth experience.”

What is on the CDs?

Moms are also encouraged to listen to the scripts at least once while alert so they know what they are hearing. (Many moms fall asleep during the scripts and don’t “remember” what is on them.)

Everything on the scripts are all very positive and uplifting messages about your body, baby and birth. Here are a few mom’s comments about what is on the CDs

1. I know it’s common for Christians to be anti-hypnosis out of the fear that your mind will be open to negative influence. As we all know, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. No one can force you to do anything that is against your beliefs.

Anyone who is concerned about anything on the Hypnobabies CDs can simply listen to them in a conscious state (while washing dishes or whatever) to make sure that they are comfortable with all the suggestions given.

There has never been anything on the CDs or in the scripts or materials that goes against my Christian values or beliefs. I actually view hypnosis as a gift from God since I’ve found it to be a wonderful tool. ?

2. I’m also Christian and have never had issues with hypnosis. (I have two Hypnobabies with another one on the way.) I’ve viewed it as more prayer-like meditation. I also feel that the Hypnobabies program has helped me trust in God even more. He made my body perfectly so that I can give birth, when I trust my body to do its job, I am really trusting that God made everything perfectly.


Just my thoughts. I also like the suggestion to listen to the CDs while doing something active so you can hear the whole thing and make sure there isn’t anything that offends you in it… I personally have never felt that anything Kerry said was contrary to anything I believed.

3. I don’t see any conflict with it at all. In fact, I think it’s more Christian to do what you can to bring your little blessing into the world in a calm manner free of drugs. The argument in the church against hypnosis historically is that it leaves your mind open to negative influences. There’s nothing on the CDs as far as I know that would conflict with your beliefs–if I heard anything that conflicted with my beliefs I wouldn’t be doing it.

New Age?

Some hypnosis programs do lean towards a new agey feel. Hypnobabies is very mainstream in its orientation.

After I had my first successful Hypnobabies delivery, I came upon a copy of the Mongan Hypnobirthing book at a resale shop and bought it thinking it would make a nice additional resource for my next birth. When I became pregnant again, I started reading it, and was pretty much shocked at what I read.

The whole earth mother, goddess within, and rejection of the Eve story as a fabrication of men to keep women oppressed, line of reasoning behind why a woman can birth naturally and use hypnosis to help her achieve this goal was a big turn-off to me.

I am forever grateful that this was not my original introduction to hypnosis in birth, because it totally falls in with the types of negative preconceptions that Christians have toward hypnosis and the like and I am afraid I would have rejected the idea as not in line with my personal values.

I think Kerry has done an incredible job of empowering women to embrace their innate ability to birth their babies and find the strength within themselves, without relying upon ideas that *some* will find offensive.

Hypnosis is very similar to meditation, which is well supported in the Bible.

Do they think hypnosis is too New Age? I am a Christian AND I went to Seminary, and I don’t see any problem with it. Hypnosis is like a deeper form of meditation – and meditation is mentioned many times in the Bible as a good thing. There are passages of the Bible that talk about meditation, removing grief or fear from the mind, and putting away pain from the body (because isn’t that what we’re doing with Hypnobabies?)

Incorporating your beliefs into Hypnobabies

Kerry, “Many of our moms on this list are Christian and have had wonderful success with Hypnobabies while incorporating their beliefs onto the scripts and hypnosis practice as well as adding prayer into the actual hypnosis when giving birth. I have come to realize that that women know what they need and will find it in Hypnobabies, adapting it perfectly and serenely to their own religious or non-religious belief systems. They always do.”

When I am in my Special Place, it’s always me, the baby, and God behind me supporting me. I have recently begun to get involved in my faith again and I view this whole process of pregnancy, birth, and the hypnosis preparation for it is very spirtual. It’s like God is there(literally in my special place with me), telling me that he created me for this very process to bring this new life(again that he created) into the world with peace and love.

Here is a link to another article with more information.

Comment 4

Philippians 4:8 — And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Comment 5


I’m also a Christian, and find no problem using Hypnobabies and hypnosis during my birthing.

Before I started Hypnobabies, I found that I was becoming bitter towards my care provider. I was not happy to be with an OB, but have no choice due to my past medical history (apart from pregnancy). I was afraid he would pressure me into inventions I wasn’t comfortable with, that I would conflict with nurses, and that my previous poor experiences with his office staff would continue. I had real trouble letting all this go and being at peace.

I started Hypnobabies by listening to the affirmations the morning of my anatomy ultrasound. I was so calm and at peace throughout the appointment, even though we had to wait over an hour (and me with a full bladder!). This pattern has continued with each of my appointments. I’ve come to peace with my birthing and with my ability to stay calm when the OB suggests any test or intervention.

I thank God that He’s given me this tool to use throughout my pregnancy and in my birthing.

Comment 6


My husband was concerned about my using hypnosis because of the some of the things mentioned in this article. But he trusted me not to do anything that would go against our faith. I read the Mongan book first and realized it was not what I needed or wanted. Definitely too new-agey.

Hypnobabies was the complete opposite. I, too, envisioned being in His presence and it helped make my bubble of peace and special place that much better. Prayer was definitely a part of my Hypnobabies practice. I credit the ability to combine the the scientific aspects of deep relaxation with my prayer life as one reason I had a successful Hypnobabies birth.

My labor was 4 hours and my daughter was delivered 16 minutes after we walked into the hospital (and she was posterior) The doctor didn’t make it in time. I was completely calm during the whole process. It was wonderful!

Comment 7

Barb Decker

As a HypnoBirthing Practitioner..The Mongan Method, and a Christian, As said before on this thread, all Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. it is disappointing to hear the negative responses on Marie’s chapter covering history of childbearing women. I doubt that Marie meant to put down Christianity, She was trying to educate women to the history that culturally over the ages, women have been praised, idolized, and abused by the “beliefs” of the times. She continues to encourage women to realize the power of birth and bring healthier babies into the world. Many of our scripts included the word “God” to bring us strength in knowledge for bonding, birthing, and parenting. I would also encourage any of you to write your own scripts that use quotes from the Bible! Those thoughts will give you great strength buring your births. I spent a few days last month with the founder of HypnoBabies at a conference in San Francisco. (Kerry was a HypnoBirthing Practitioner and decided to write her own program.) We both believe that our programs using Hypnosis are offering families a better childbirth method of having faith in our birthing bodies, our babies, our families, and a more peaceful world. Barb Decker

Source of the above article and comments:

Christians using Hypnobabies?

Article: Hypnosis & Religious Faith

Jesus said in St. John 10:10, “I am come you may have life and have it more abundantly.” Though the title of this presentation is “Hypnosis and Religious Faith”, I will be dealing primarily with “Hypnosis and Judo-Christian faith.” Whether you are a Christian or not, whether you are religious or not, many of your clients come to you as religious people, most of whom will have a Judo-Christian background. The better you understand the client’s religious history, the better you can relate to that person and help that person.In our study of hypnosis and religious faith let us look at the history of hypnosis. Now I am not going to review the entire history of hypnosis, but would like to point out those incidents that relate to religion.

What is the first written record of the use of hypnosis? The first written recorded use of hypnosis is found in the book of Genesis 2:21-22, “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon man, and while he slept, took one of his ribs and closed up in its place with flesh, and the rib which God took from man. He made woman and brought her to the man.” In this incident, God used hypnosis as an anesthesia so that Adam felt no pain during the removal of his rib.

In addition to the reference in Genesis, mention of hypnotic techniques is found in other ancient sources concerning the Egyptian “Sleep Temples.” In the temples, Egyptian priest used hypnotic-like procedures to improve health. These temples were so popular that they spread to Grease and Asia Minor.

Chaplain W. Leo Peacock gives a number of New Testament illustrations of hypnosis in his paper “Religious Hypnosis and Personal Control.” Chaplain Peacock makes a point with his interpretation of Matthew’s account of Joseph’s dream concerning taking Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:20-25). When Joseph discovered that Mary was expecting a child, he decided to break his engagement for he knew that the child was not his. The story told of an “angel” or “messenger” coming to Joseph in a dream. In this dream, the angel told Joseph to marry Mary. Upon waking, Joseph did as the angel suggested. Peacock writes that this is a clear description of an individual being hypnotized and while under hypnosis being given a post-hypnotic suggestion which he immediately acts upon as soon as he came out of the hypnotic trance.

Paul speaks of going into a trance while praying in the temple (Acts 22:17). Peter “fell into a trance” and from that experience came to see that God loved all people and accepts all people who come to him. Peter had been invited to the home of a centurion who was devout in his faith, but was not Jewish. At that time, it was religiously unlawful for Peter to visit the centurion’s house. After the dream, Peter went to visit the centurion (Acts 10:1-48). The practice of “laying on of hand,” mentioned in the Bible, uses some of the techniques of hypnosis. In the book of Acts (28:8) we read, “And it came about that the father of Publius was lying in bed afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery; and Paul went in to see him and after he prayed, he laid his hands on him and healed him.” Elsewhere in the book of Acts, there is a reference to an apostle looking into the eyes or gazing into the eyes of a person which resulted in the person being healed. “This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who when he had fixed his gaze upon him, and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on your feet.’ And he leaped up and began to walk.” (Acts 14:9-10)Father Hell, in the Eighteenth Century, two Roman Catholic priest used hypnotic procedures and gained a reputation as healers. Due to their influence on Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer, they played a significant role in the history of hypnosis. Father Gassner would have those desiring to be healed brought into a room where they were told to wait. As their expectations mounted, Father Gassner would then majestically enter the room, lower his cross on the head of a patient and command him to sleep. The patient would collapse and upon command would rise praising God for healing. Father Hell used hypnotic techniques and metal plates. He believed that illness occurred when the magnetism of the body was out of polarization. He would have his patients lie down and pass mental plates over them. His suggestions and the passes of the metal plates seemed to cure those who came to him for healing.The modern history of hypnosis is considered to begin with Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer (1735-1815) who was greatly influenced by Father Gassner and Father Hell. Mesmer came to the conclusion that it was the metal in Father Gassner’s cross that caused the cures as well as the religious significance of the cross. If the metal in the cross could bring cures, perhaps any metal could be used for healing. With this information and experiments conducted by Father Hell in mind, Mesmer began to develop his theory of “Animal magnetism.”In the middle of the 1800’s, three doctors: Elliotson, Esdaile and Braid, who coined the word “hypnosis,” used hypnosis in their medical practice. Both Elliotson and Esdaile performed many surgeries with only hypnotic anesthesia. It has been reported that the mortality rate for major surgery was about 50%. Of several hundred people operated on by Esdaile (using hypnosis) mortality dropped to 5% and in none of the fatal cases was the death an immediate outcome of surgery.Dr. James Esdaile (1808-1859) wrote that (1) hypnosis is a natural God-given method of healing. (2) The power produced by the unconscious mind of one under hypnosis is similar both in quality, character and degree with the power of the creator. (3) All men have within them special power given by God, the power of hypnosis — to direct their movement and provide for themselves. Doctors Mesmer, Elliotson, and Esdaile were condemned by their fellow doctors for their use of hypnosis. At Dr. Esdaile’s trail, one doctor said that the use of hypnosis was sacrilegious because God meant for people to feel pain. In recent years, hypnosis has become more acceptable, but we still have those who question its usefulness and others who mistakenly see it as a tool of the devil. One of our jobs is to enlighten those who doubt and convince those who oppose so that more people may benefit be the use of hypnosis for a better life.The foundation of my work in hypnotherapy is based on what I refer to as the human trinity. Whether you are a Christian or not, you would probably know what I meant if I referred to the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I also believe in the human trinity. Each one of us is a trinity within himself or herself. I’m a trinity, you’re a trinity. What is the human trinity? We are made up of body, mind and spirit. We are physical, emotional and spiritual being. These three aspects of our being are so different and yet so integrated that one part of the human trinity can not be affected without having some effect on the other two. If you have a physical problem, it affects you spiritually and emotionally. If you have a spiritual problem, it affects you physically and emotionally. If you have an emotional problem, it affects you spiritually and physically.With this understanding of the human trinity, hypnosis can be used as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind. Though you only have one mind, you have two parts to your mind: conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is the logical, reasoning, analytical two plus two part of the mind. The conscious part of the mind makes up about 10% of your thinking power. The subconscious part of the mind makes up about 90% of your thinking power. It does not think logically and is concerned with bringing about your deepest wishes, desires and expectation even if they are contrary to logic and your own well-being. The subconscious mind does not care if your body hurts but rather that your deepest needs are met. If your greatest need is for affection and the only time you experience affection is when your are sick, you may get sick in order to receive the affection you need. This occurs even though you don’t like being sick and the reason is unknown. It is interesting to note that the subconscious mind can not tell the difference between a wish and a fear. If a fear become dominate, the fear is received by the subconscious mind as wish.

A woman was in the hospital because she had lost the use of her right arm. As she had gone trough many test and none had showed any reason for the cause of her problem, I was consulted. Through counseling, it was discovered that she had been physical abused, not sexually abused as a child. As a young child, as a teenager, as a young wife and mother, she vowed that she would “never ever” hit her child in anger. She had a five-year-old son and she had disciplined him when needed, but she had never hit him in anger. A few days before coming to the hospital, her little five-year-old song had been especially aggravating. He did one more thing and in anger, she hit him. As this was such a shock to her, her subconscious mind protected her against hitting her child any more by making her arm useless.As I felt that she needed to experience forgiveness, I used the following imagery. I suggested that she visualize herself walking down a country road. “On your back is a heavy backpack, but there is nothing in that backpack that you need for this journey. In fact, that heavy backpack contains the guilt you have been holding on to since you hit your son. God has forgiven you. He is telling you that you can now forgive yourself. You can be free of the heavy backpack. It is a decision for you to make. If you are ready to be free of that heavy load of guilt, one of your fingers will rise indicating that you have released the backpack and your guilt.The first finger of her right hand jerked upward and I said, “The backpack with all your guilt is gone. God has forgiven you and you have forgiven yourself. You are forgiven.” I added the following post-hypnotic suggestion, (Note: I seldom use negative words in suggestions but this time I used some of her own words.) “Since as a little girl, teenager, young wife and mother you vowed that you would ‘never ever’ hit your child in anger and because of the trauma you have experienced, you need ‘never ever’ hit your child in anger again, therefore you have no need to be paralyzed. She left the hospital two days later completely cured.Each one here comes with his/her own history: religiously, personally, and professionally. I come to you as a Christian Minister who looks upon hypnosis as a valuable tool of counseling. Coming from a religious profession and working in a church related hospital, I am often asked, “Why does one of religious faith need hypnosis?” or “How can you use hypnosis? Isn’t there a conflict between religious faith and hypnosis?” I believe that these questions can be responded to by referring to the statement of Jesus in John 10:10, “I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” Hypnosis is one of the gifts of God which help people experience the “more abundant life.”Hypnosis is neither anti-religious nor pro-religious. It can be used for good or bad depending on the hypnotist and the subject. Today, most religious groups accept the proper ethical use of hypnosis for helping people. Exceptions are Christian Science, Seventh-Day-Adventist and some individuals of various churches. In recent years, the Seventh-Day-Adventist have lessened their resistance by using relaxation therapy and suggestion therapy. A hypnotist by the name of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby greatly help Mary Baker Eddy overcome an illness and she used many of his teachings and techniques in developing the Christian Science Church. Though Quimby used hypnosis to help her, she denounced hypnosis while using its techniques. Though many in various churches opposed to hypnosis are using the principles of hypnosis (relaxation, concentration, suggestion, repetition) in their healing services, they denounce hypnosis. For those who oppose hypnosis on religious grounds, I remind them of the words of Baptist Van Helmont, “Hypnosis is a universal agent … and is a paradox only to those who are deposed to ridicule everything and who ascribe to Satan all phenomena which they cannot explain.”
Then Roman Catholic Church has issued statements approving the use of hypnosis. In 1847, a decree from the Sacred Congregation of The Holy Office stated, “Having removed all misconceptions, foretelling of the future, explicit or implicit invocation of the devil, the use hypnosis is indeed merely an act of making use of physical media that are otherwise licit and hence it is not morally forbidden provided it does not tend toward an illicit end or toward anything depraved.”The late Pope Pius give his approval of hypnosis. He stated that the use of hypnosis by health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment is permitted. In 1956, in an address from the Vatican on hypnosis in child birth the Pope gave these guidelines. (1) Hypnotism is a serious matter, and not something to be dabbled in. (2) In its scientific use the precautions dictated by both science and morality are to be used. (3) Under the aspect of anesthesia, It is governed by the same principles as other forms of anesthesia. This is to say that the rules of good medicine apply to the use of hypnosis.Except for exceptions noted, no other Protestant or Orthodox Churches have any laws against the proper-ethical use of hypnosis. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no opposition to the use of hypnosis in the Jewish faith when it is used for the benefit of mankind. Many of the Eastern Faiths: Buddhism, Yoga, Shintoism, Hinduism and others approve the use of hypnosis and they often use hypnosis in their worship. The Moslem religion has no opposition to hypnosis that I have been able to discover.In his book Angels of Light, Herbert E. Freeman includes hypnosis as one of the practices which are commended by God. He quotes Deuteronomy 18:9 following in which God warns, “Thou shalt not learn to do after the abomination of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone … that useth divination (fortuneteller), or an observer of times (Soothsayers), or an enchanter (magician), or a consorter with familiar spirits (medium, possessed with a spirit, or spirit guide), or a witch (sorcerer), or a charmer (hypnotist) or a wizard (clairvoyant or psychic), for all that do these thing are an abomination unto the Lord.” The words in parenthesis are Mr. Freeman’s inserts.I feel that Mr. Freeman has misinterpreted much in these verses and especially the interpretation of “charmer” as “hypnotist.” The Interpreter’s Bible states that “charmer” refers to those who conjure up magical spells. The Pulpit Commentary reads, “A charmer is a dealer in spells, one who by means of spells or charms pretends to achieve some desired results. The verb here used primarily means to bind, and the species of magic indicated is probably that practiced by binding certain knots, whereby it was supposed that the curse or blessing, as the case maybe, was a bond on its object. This was accomplished apparently by incantations … A species of incantations known to Romans consisted in tying knots with threads of different colors, there in number, which was supposed to become a bond to secure the object.”In their book, The Holy Spirit and You, Dennis and Rita Bennett have shown a profound dislike and misunderstanding of hypnosis by declaring, “Hypnosis is particularly dangerous because it is thought to be a valid form of therapy in psychology and psychiatry, or an alternative anesthesia in medicine and dentistry”. The Bennett add, “The fact is the hypnotist, by placing the soul in a passively receptive state even when the hypnotist has no such intention, opens the door to morbid spiritual influences that my bring oppression that lasts for years. Until the person is delivered by prayer and exorcism … Do not allow yourself the by hypnotized for any reason whatsoever.” By these statement, the Bennett’s show their prejudice and total misunderstanding of hypnosis. If their interpretation is correct, the Bennett’s should also be concerned about prayer, meditation, chemical anesthesia, and going to sleep (for that period just before you go to sleep is a natural state of hypnosis) for the individual is in a similar state to hypnosis in all those situations.Jesus indicated by his teachings that we should help people to live life to the fullest and to relieve pain whenever possible. Hypnosis is a means to help people live a better and more abundant life and is a means of reducing and/or eliminating pain. Would the Bennett’s suggest that we should not use chemical anesthesia for surgery because we might open our mind to evil spirits? Perhaps they agree with the doctor at Dr. Esdaile’s trail who stated the the use of hypnosis as an anesthesia was sacrilegious because God meant for people to feel pain?In their book, Hypnosis and Christianity, Martin and Deidra Bagdon show their lack of knowledge when they wrote, “Before hypnotism becomes the new panacea from the pulpit, followed by a plethora of books on the subject; its claims, methods and long-term results should be considered. Arthur Shapiro has said, ‘One man’s religion is another man’s superstition, and one man’s magic is another man’s science.’ Hypnosis has become science and medicine for some Christians with little proof of its validity, longevity of its results or understanding of its nature. Because so many unanswered questions about its usefulness and so many potential dangers about its usage, Christians would be wise to shun hypnosis.” I ask, “What unanswered questions about its usefulness and what are the potential dangers?”The Bagdon’s should be reminded that people have been harmed by the misuse of the Christian religion as well as all other religions. Should one not to be a Christian because some have misused it. Should one not go to a Christian healer because some Christian healers have misused the concept for their own gain? The Bagdon’s’s apparently have not studied hypnosis or have not studied it without bias, or the would not be afraid of its use. If studied and understood, they might even come to appreciate the value of hypnosis. Many of God’s gifts have been used incorrectly, but that should not distract from the gift when used for the benefit of mankind and to the glory of God. God blesses all our activities that are beneficial to people.Hypnosis should not be condemned as anti-religious just because some people misuse it. Some oppose hypnosis because the say it is used by the occult, but do they condemn prayer because prayer is used for occultic purposes? Hypnosis can be a very helpful tool in counseling. Without apology and when appropriate, hypnosis can be used for growth, health and the benefit of people.
In an address to the National Association of Clergy Hypnotherapist, Reverend Fred R. Krauss reported that religion has traditionally used hypnotic techniques in a variety of ways. The atmosphere of the religious service is geared to the induction of the trance state. The architecture, decor and religious symbols have a profound spiritual effect on believers. The alter, cross and flickering candles provide a fixation point for concentration and medication. In prayer, most Christians bow their head and close their eyes which can be a very similar experience to hypnosis.While preparing for this seminar and coming from a Methodist background. It was interesting to learn that the the use of eye closure in prayer probably began with the revivals of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodism. Because Wesley was not allow to preach in the pulpit of most of the established churches, he began to preach outside. Deprived of the usual eye fixation points provided by the religious symbols (candles, crosses, altars, etc.) and bothered by the discomforts and distractions of the open-air gatherings, the preacher had to rely on enthusiasm and other means to hold the audience’s attention. “Bow your heads and close your eyes” became a regular part of the services. The practice became standardized and s not used throughout most Christian churches.Reverend Krauss continues by stating that it has been said that prayer and medication were the nicest hypnotic inductions of all. Everything is there that should be, including a harmony of body, mind, and spirit that enhances our communication with God. By assuring the appropriate posture, closing eyes, bowing heads, listening and responding with, “Amen.” Praying in silence draws attention from the outer tot he inner world of reality. In the sermon, the pastor uses voice inflections, modulations and repetitive ideas with anecdotes, Bible stories, and other illustrations.Prayer and medication are traditional Christian disciplines that parallel what we call auto-suggestion. Of course, the auto-suggestions are not the only aspects of prayer for through prayer, we are able to open our minds to God. When we are open and responsive, prayer is basically communication with God. If I understand Reverend Krauss, he is pointing out that the use of hypnotic procedures in worship and Christian experience is blessed by God.During counseling and hypnotherapy, I often tell a story to bring home a point or allow the client hearing the story to come to his or her own meaning to the story. Roger Ring in a seminar conducted at a past College of Chaplains convention called these “Parables, Metaphors, and Healing Stories.” Jesus often spoke in parables or used stories which still bring to mind vivid word pictures which teaches something important about life.The writer of Proverbs 23:7 states that as a person thinketh in his/her heart so is he/she. St. Paul wrote, “Whatsoever man soweth that shall he reap.” (Gal 6:7) This says to me that what is shown by the conscious mind through thoughts and images into the subconscious mind tends to become a reality. Mental images give the subconscious mind a model to work towards: good or bad. Illustration: Think back to a time when you were angry; feel it, experience it and let it go. Think back to a time when you were really happy; feel it, experience and keep it. By thought, you make feelings present again. The use of positive imagery improves life and health.Until there is an image in the mind there can be no reality. All great inventions began with a thought in the mind. The inventor was able to visualize or image the invention before he could bring it to reality. The same is true of great music, great writing, great living. The author of Proverbs 28:18 also wrote that where there is no vision, the people parish.If you listen to the broadcast of al baseball, football or basketball game, you have surely heard the announcer say, “It’s a brand new ball game!” If you are a sports fan, you know the announcer means that the score is tied. It is like starting over again. The past is still there , but we can begin where we are. In a baseball game, if a team ties the score in the sixth inning, they do not go back to the first inning to start over again. For they keep playing from where they are. See we began where we are, but with the proper use of relaxation, imagery, hypnosis and hopeful expectation comes a “brand new ball game.”In the years ahead, may those who discount hypnosis, come to see its value. May those who oppose hypnosis on religious grounds come to view it as a gift of God to help us attain the more abundant life.Jesus said, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to teach the gospel to the poor. He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.” (Luke 4:18) Following this guidance and with the proper use of hypnosis; we can heal the brokenhearted, bring deliverance to those in captivity to pain, fear, and phobias; give sight to the emotionally and spiritually blind, and set at liberty those who are bound by unwanted habits.



Additional reading:

A Christian Understanding Of Hypnosis