Hypnosis and autogenic training in the treatment of tension headaches: A two-phase constructive design study with follow-up.

Hypnosis and autogenic training in the treatment of tension headaches: A two-phase constructive design study with follow-up.
Zitman, Frans G. Van Dyck, Richard Spinhoven, Philip Linssen, A. Corrie


Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 36(3), 219-228.

79 tension headache patients were randomly assigned to an abbreviated form of autogenic training (AT) or to a form of hypnotherapy called future oriented hypnotic imagery (FOI), which was not presented as hypnosis; secondly, both treatments were compared to the same FOI but this time explicitly presented as hypnosis (FOI-H).

The 3 treatments were equally effective at posttreatment, but after a 6-mo follow-up period, the FOI-H was superior to AT.

66 Ss attended the follow-up, with dropouts from the FOI and AT conditions and none from the FOI-H condition.

Contrary to common belief, it could be demonstrated that the therapists were as effective with the treatment modality they preferred as with the treatment modality they felt to be less remedial.





Notes from Ethan: Autogenic training and future-oriented imagery are both a form of hypnosis.